Friday, May 24, 2013


Original goal met.
Time to set a new one!
 here I come!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

what's in a number?

Jumped on the scale in the fitness center and was surprised to see that little need go UNDER my goal weight.  By four whole pounds.  This scale isn't the one I weigh myself on the in the morning, but I have, on occasion, stepped on it midday after a workout and a shower, and I can tell you this much for sure...  it has been above 160 for a very long time and by more than a couple of pounds.

So, in theory, I could say that I've reached my goal weight.  However, until my scale at home tells a similar story in the morning, I'm going to reserve my celebrating for another day. This has prompted me to look at what IS ideal for a woman of my height and {ahem} age.  Calculators vary, and some are very outdated.  You see, there's a Biggest Loser competition beginning at work over the summer months, and I considered entering it for the challenge and reward money, until I saw that an individual must lose 7% of their body weight in order to get their "entrance fee" back at the end of the segment.  Well, I'm here to tell you that I probably cannot afford to lose 7% of my body weight and be healthy.  Ok, so maybe I could, but it might be a struggle to achieve such a quick loss in a short amount of time, based on my past history. 
But I digress.  It has taken me a whole lot of effort to curb bad habits and develop new ones, but to say that I cannot afford to lose another 7% of my bodyweight...   how's that for a numbers success story?!  I am finally back within healthy BMI (barely, at 24.5), but I'm not sure losing another 10 lbs. is where I should be focusing my energy over the summer.  Instead, I will continue along the same pathway of an increased fitness plan and awareness of what my body requires for fuel.  If I see another ten pound loss, it will be all the sweeter knowing that I'm doing it on my own.
The chart below is a year's snapshot from the Sentry Machine I use at work occasionally to keep track of my results.  Regardless of where the line falls horiztonally, the general idea is that it continues to go in a downward direction.  At a good, steady pace.
Oh, and I look forward to being able to bike to work soon (when the monsoon season stops, now that the snow finally has), because the price of gas at $4.39/gal is killing me!  As soon as the kiddos are out of school, I will make it a personal goal to at least bike once a week to work and back.  Baby steps, remember? 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

one little pound at a time

Baby steps...  and just over a year later... my goal is within reach! Hoping to see the magic number by the end of May!!  JP and I have a little overnight getaway planned at a B&B in Stillwater.  What a wonderful way it will be to celebrate how far I've come to find the healthy in me once again. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Locker Room Etiquette

Honestly, some people's kids!!  The owner of these belongings strewn about the locker room floor was nowhere to be found.  Did she vanish into thin air, leaving behind her unmentionables for the rest of us to see?  Reminds me of my boys' bedroom floors.  Hmph!

This would have to be one of my biggest pet peeves in having to share space with others in order to exercise in a public place.  Personal exercise habits are one thing to endure, but the complete inappropriate understanding of encroaching on shared space is quite another. 

Other pet peeves include taking up the full counter space with all of your make-up and essentials, as if it was your personal bathroom bureau, leaving no room for anyone else or even a chance at reaching the hair dryer tied to the counter.  Oh, oh, and the ones who take it upon themselves to spray endless amounts of perfume or hairspray into the air, reaching more than their intended objects...  {cough hack cough}...  no, I personally don't like YOUR eau de toilette of the day.  And what about all the hair that sits on the floor of the shower stall?!   Ok, I'll stop there.  You get the idea.

I tried out a yoga class one morning earlier in the month and there were about 20 women gathered in this tiny space getting ready before work (after their workout, I presume), and that was enough to cure me of working out in the morning.  Forever.  My personal get ready "routine" is pretty basic...  shower, scrunch hair, apply mascara and go!  I couldn't imagine getting ready in such a sea of women every morning.  This must be what dorm living was all about?!  Can't say I'm sorry I missed that part.

Well, enough complaining for one day.  I've happily gone back to staggering my workout sessions over the lunch hour to avoid the aforementioned messy etiquette. 

What's your biggest exercising together pet peeve?

Friday, May 10, 2013

almost @ goal weight

Hard work is paying off!  Maybe I will see my original goal weight by the end of May!  Two pounds to go (and a few ounces, but who's counting).

Happily looking forward to this evening on the patio - and Mother's Day feasting!!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Fast, D4

Cautiously stepped on the scale this morning and was pleasantly surprised to see a 2 lb. loss since my last plateau.  I've officially lost 20 lbs. since starting this journey (and my last pregnancy).

Fasting is more difficult than I thought - but in a completely different way!!  I'm able to stave off the hunger pains until my midday meal on fasting days, but having a hard time wanting to eat 500 calories in one sitting (and presumably within an hour).  Yikes!  I'm full.  Prior to starting this I was averaging a 300 calorie meal with two 100 calorie snacks for roughly 1200-1300 calories. 

First workday:  I had my tea this morning, then water (no coffee today) all morning.  Worked out for an hour and had pre-pared my lunch to bring from home.  I honestly cannot eat it all.  I forgot salad dressing for my spinach and have left it out of the mix for my calories.  I've chosen healthy, filling, but not too much protein, for my first two fast day meals so far.  This definitely takes some forethought when planning a social calendar and preparing lunches too!

Happily biked 45 minutes before eating too!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Starting a new lifestyle... with ADF

Alternate Day Fasting
and how it got its momentum in my life was by watching this documentary.

Started ADF on Friday, May 3.
Had a healthy dinner date with my husband at a restaurant to end the evening of the first day.  Hey, why not call it feast day one, right?!

First day of fasting, Saturday (D2), wasn't as bad as I thought it might be. Not as hungry today either when I'm on a feast day (D3). 

Dr. Krista Varady, who studies Alternate Day Fasting, with presenter Michael Mosley.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

what do eating carrots do for you?

I was reading the lunch menu for school and noticed a headline at the top - an effort to get kids to eat their fruits and vegetables instead of having them go straight into the trash:
Our apples are getting a new look and a new name!
During the month of April, you will start to see a few new changes on our serving
lines. First, apples will be sliced in schools to help consumption of the apple and
decrease waste. Apples and other fruits and vegetables will also be placed in
attractive black bowls and trays. Lastly, research from Cornell University has shown
that by naming fruits and vegetables , such as “juicy apple” or “x-ray vision carrots
instead of just calling them apples or carrots, a whopping 66% were eaten, far
greater than the 35% of them eaten when unnamed. Look for new names to be
popping up next to apples this month and be sure to keep your eyes peeled for
others to pop up next school year.

I'm excited that they're trying hard to get more kids to eat healthy fruits & veggies.  Reading between the lines, however, it's a shame that this is what it comes to in order that kids take in such important nutrients.  Vegetables and fruits are not an option in our house, never have been.  It's part of a well-balanced meal.  We also pack a lunch from home.  I've always given my kids the option to pick ONE day a week to eat at school, and you can imagine, it's always been the junkiest food day picked each time.  The tradition continues this year for Oliver, but Henry hasn't taken a hot lunch option yet.  I think he gets it and understands that his options are healthier and less wasteful when taken from home. 

Perhaps those who eat lunch at school will make better choices, be less wasteful, and take steps to improve their own health.  Well...   one can hope.  At least the school is trying!