Thursday, June 28, 2012

add spinach, he says

We went to the Farmers' Market again this past Sunday - it's one of my favorite places to go in the summer!  And we stocked up on spinach, oh my, did we!!  We got a huge bag of organic, fresh spinach for only $2.  Yes, we are eating it with almost every meal this week since Sunday.

My morning beverage of choice has become a protein smoothie.  Mine contains frozen berries, protein powder, milk or soy and a splash of juice if more liquid is needed. 

HIS drink of choice includes a whole lot more, most of which doesn't appeal to me.  However, he did convince me to start adding spinach to my drinks.  He even convinced my son to try this drink concoction (seen here) - even after watching what went into it!

So...  drink up, Spinach is good for you!

Progress report: 
I am maintaining my 5 lb. weight loss for the last two weeks and have a new plateau.  Working out (almost daily) and thinking twice (and feeling really guilty) about what I am eating at those daily 2:30 pm cravings.  Today, I really, really, REALLY wanted chocolate.  I ate a banana.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

three short months

A year ago I attended a yoga retreat, two of them, actually.  Only a few months out from having given birth to the last baby I'd ever birth...  I treated myself to a spiritual yoga retreat, and there I promised myself that if I attended again next year, I would be 20 pounds lighter.

Fast forward...  to today...  and the realization that in three months, I have the opportunity to attend another yoga retreat.  I am looking forward to it more than I can put into words.  My birthday weekend and a celebration of me.

The one missing puzzle piece, that I am trying NOT to beat myself up over today...
 I am not any closer to my weight loss goal than I was last retreat. 

I still have 20 lbs. to lose to be healthier and lose the inches from carrying three babies in five years.  Seventeen, if I'm being generous and giving myself the credit for a few pounds that have dropped and stayed gone.


Where in the world do I start?

I have had horrible eating habits.  I think I've previously mentioned that I am an emotional eater.  These past few months have been a bit of a roller coaster.  I have survived, but not without justifying the indulgence of hand-over-fist chocolate binges and the occasional alcohol treat. 

Leo says:
How did I solve it? I picked one thing, and just started.

Ok.  Ok.

One thing.

I will make exercise a priority, not just an objective.
I will be mindful that this is for no one else BUT ME.

Today...  I will exercise when I get home from work.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

nice day for a ride (cross-post)

It's "bike to work day" in Golden Valley... 
so, not one to be left behind in a challenge, I did it!

I have been talking about riding my bike to work since I started my new employment at the General 7 weeks ago.  For one reason or another, it hadn't happened yet.  So when I awoke this morning and the sun was shining, there were no more excuses in my way.  Sure, there's an ominous thunderstorm warning later this afternoon, but I decided that today was the day.

So I downloaded the app mapmyride.
Found my earbuds and tuned my iheartradio to Cities97.
Packed my work clothes (must not forget the shoes),
and a smoothie for breakfast.
And off I rode...

Made it work in less than 30 minutes, sweaty and feeling great after a couple of hills.  Who knew the application tracked elevation too?!  It was a good ride.  I forgot my work badge in the car back in my driveway, but other than that, I think I could do this a few times a week!

The weather is supposed be around 82* when it's time to go home today.  The same two hills await me on the way home, but I am ready for the challenge!