Friday, April 26, 2013

bodyfat percentage {drumroll}

I have lost 3.4% in body fat since hitting the gym hard back in October.  That's working out at minimum three times per week, and eliminating a lof of poor eating habits on a daily basis.  Probably not hugely impressive, because I've not been a true die-hard and have fallen into old habits on occasion...  but still, something to celebrate!

What areas are measured for these caliper numbers?

My measurements were taken by the same ACE certified individual both times, so I am confident in the readings she took.  It's an awkward way of measuring, that's for sure.  In comparison, when I used the site above and entered my numbers with this morning's weight from my scale at home, I came up with the same percentage.  In effect, I'm currently 112 lbs. of lean body weight and 52 lbs. of body fat. 

According to this website, I am almost in the average range again (instead of overweight).  The proof isn't always in the numbers and there are obviously many variances on what's average, but having lost inches and now this - I'm feeling pretty excited that I will reach my goal if I continue to improve in my exercise & eating as summer draws closer.

Body Fat Percentage Women 30%
While most men have fat funnel into their stomachs, as the body fat of most women (but certainly not all) increases, this fat tends to accumulate in the hips, buttocks, and thighs. At 30% body fat, the hips, thighs, and buttocks are more pronounced and round. This is considered the high end of average for women in many body fat charts.

My ideal body fat percentage (as I age into a new bracket this year) to be healthy is between 25.2 and 28.6.  My numbers goal is to attain another decrease in BF% in order to fall in that range by the one-year mark in October 2013.  In six months' time, I will have the same individual take my measurements - stay tuned!

Bottom line?
I am measurably less squishy & more lean!!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

what was I thinking?!

Have you ever worn something to work and then, upon seeing your reflection in a mirror think,
“I could be on an episode of What Not to Wear today?!”   yeah, that. 

I am trying to get through this very long Spring with the wardrobe I have, that obviously no longer fits or flatters me.  This morning, I went to put on my belt and discovered I'm about 2" past the point of the last notch and can no longer wear it (that's a good thing!) and so I ended up wearing my husband's belt instead (don't tell him, and yeah, that's pretty pathetic, isn't it?! my husband is smaller than I was in waist size). 
This outfit will be retired when I get home today, if I don’t die first of embarrassment.

Ok, commence laughing.


I have a whole laundry basket full of clothes to donate, in case anyone local is interested. 
It's 25# worth if I'm shipping it somewhere.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

one thing is for sure

Slow and steady does win the {personal} race!
I have fallen into bad habits again where eating is concerned, but staying the course on exercise.  Perhaps that's the reason I am staying at this new plateau?!   If only I could get back out of the sugar coma and into light?  Maybe it's the continued SNOW falling outside that has me a bit more depressed than I care to admit?  I don't know.  But one thing is for sure, I have created a new healthy habit and lifestyle that is working for me, and for as much as I feel out of control some days in my eating, I am in control of my goals!

On the days that I work out during the week, I successfully bike over 6 miles at a moderate-vigorous pace, and I also spend about 15 minutes on weight machines.  Defined muscles have begun to appear in my arms, and my arse is a little less saggy.  Sleeveless & short season IS around the corner, and I look forward to it more than ever this year!  No hiding behind a baby belly or wishing I were more in shape.  This year, I will flaunt my success, even if it's not my ultimate - because life's too short NOT to do so!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

How I spend my lunch hours!

Pedaling my little hear out!

Still going strong. Upped the time to 45 minutes (including cool down) and hoping to see/feel a bigger difference soon!

Maybe it's a good thing Capri-weather is delayed in MinneSNOWta this Spring!? More time to keep working toward the goals I've set!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


It's soooooooooooo easy to get discouraged.  I know.  Jumping on the scale daily, seeing little movement, sometimes doesn't seem worth the .2 ounces of change in a week or a month's time, am I right?  However, looking back over the last year...  I am so proud of myself for keeping on keeping on!!

I have been tracking both at work on their blood pressure/weight machine, as well as entering (not as frequently, as you will tell from the plateaus) measurements into MFP.

But lookey here....   when this girl got a new job a year ago, a fresh outlook, and a new lease on life last April...  she started keeping track of all things weight loss {and I don't know why I'm suddenly talking in the third person, forgive me}....  drumroll, please

7 whole inches GONE {poof} from this girl's frame. 
Well, obviously not that easily, but yeah, that's right...  I'm doing the happy girl dance!!


Being honest, it's not been easy.  Choices are hard.  Eliminating what I love most (sweets) is difficult, even to this day.  Heck, I keep wrestling with the idea that I should eliminate the occasional social alcohol imbibe too (but then, clearly, that would be nuts, right?).  However, anything this rewarding as an end result is worth the difficult choices it's taken me to get this far.

I must admit, I do not love individual workouts.  If I had the money to pay for the fitness classes at work, I'd do it in a heartbeat.  I'm better motivated by peer pressure (the person working out next to me/competition) and a teacher in front of me, than I am by myself (or even sometimes with a friend nearby).  Speaking of, I must also give KUDOS to the friend who has been with me since September...  for without Eileen, I would give in to cravings most days and not hit the fitness center over lunch.  Instead, three, sometimes five days a week for the past six months, we have drug our bums down to the weights and bikes and created a new habit!

And today...  all by myself, as much as I wanted to create another excuse or eat instead of workout, I made the choice to head downstairs to the gym (when my friend was home sick), and I can tell you now, two hours later - it still feels good!

My goal is in sight, with a work fitness "trihealthalon" ending this month and a body composition recheck happening by end of April (yes, I will post that difference/results too)... 

I'm healthy & happy!

I am still
...a little girl
with GREAT BIG plans!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

soda: did you know?

evil stuff.
I must admit, I drank it. 
past tense.
There is still one person in our house
who is hooked on the stuff.
I am hoping to break him of that habit soon!
Nothing better than H20!
If you're trying to break the sugar habit - stop soda.
All kinds.
There is nothing good about sugar-substitutes in diet,
Zero, or any other artificial soda additive.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

someone noticed!

Without prompting,
or a pre-emptive discussion
about weight loss or diet...

!!someone in the rest of the world noticed!!

yeah me!
not quitting.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

sore today, strong tomorrow

I need to find/make this shirt for myself.

A reminder,
that every time I whine
and yes, I've been told that I do,
about going to the gym,
to workout
in the
it's all worth it!

This week,
I am working out
every day during my lunch hour.

And while my sugar cravings have returned,
I am determined to see the results!

Monday, April 1, 2013


They say to eat a variety of color for health, right?! Today's lunch consists of all that is orange! Clementine, cantaloupe and squash.

Significance of Colors
According to the CDC, eating fruits and vegetables of different colors gives your body a wide range of valuable nutrients to fight diseases and stay healthy. According to dietitian Julie Garden-Robinson, a food and nutrition specialist at North Dakota State University, some healthy colors to consider include reds, oranges, yellows, greens, blues, purples and whites. The different colors have different benefits and should be eaten regularly.

She adds that orange and yellow produce is rich in carotenoids, which help reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease, can improve immune system function and aid healthy vision. Yellow and orange produce includes apricots, squash, carrots, lemons, oranges, papayas, peaches, pineapples, sweet potatoes and tangerines. 

This is leftover from our non-traditional Easter meal yesterday.  Hubby made it from this recipe, with only slight modifications (peaches {more orange} not pears) due to what we had on-hand.  It's a very filling little meal and not bad warmed up too.  Mmmmmm, perfect for getting back on track after my slip of eating all things sugary in the past week.  oops.
Oh, April,  how I love your change in weather and the opportunity to get outdoors soon!  30 days to prove I can make it to my original goal weight and continue on this path of a healthy lifestyle!  30 days until short-sleeves will bear unbelievably better looking arms on this chica than in the past six years!
What colors are YOU eating today?