Thursday, May 23, 2013

what's in a number?

Jumped on the scale in the fitness center and was surprised to see that little need go UNDER my goal weight.  By four whole pounds.  This scale isn't the one I weigh myself on the in the morning, but I have, on occasion, stepped on it midday after a workout and a shower, and I can tell you this much for sure...  it has been above 160 for a very long time and by more than a couple of pounds.

So, in theory, I could say that I've reached my goal weight.  However, until my scale at home tells a similar story in the morning, I'm going to reserve my celebrating for another day. This has prompted me to look at what IS ideal for a woman of my height and {ahem} age.  Calculators vary, and some are very outdated.  You see, there's a Biggest Loser competition beginning at work over the summer months, and I considered entering it for the challenge and reward money, until I saw that an individual must lose 7% of their body weight in order to get their "entrance fee" back at the end of the segment.  Well, I'm here to tell you that I probably cannot afford to lose 7% of my body weight and be healthy.  Ok, so maybe I could, but it might be a struggle to achieve such a quick loss in a short amount of time, based on my past history. 
But I digress.  It has taken me a whole lot of effort to curb bad habits and develop new ones, but to say that I cannot afford to lose another 7% of my bodyweight...   how's that for a numbers success story?!  I am finally back within healthy BMI (barely, at 24.5), but I'm not sure losing another 10 lbs. is where I should be focusing my energy over the summer.  Instead, I will continue along the same pathway of an increased fitness plan and awareness of what my body requires for fuel.  If I see another ten pound loss, it will be all the sweeter knowing that I'm doing it on my own.
The chart below is a year's snapshot from the Sentry Machine I use at work occasionally to keep track of my results.  Regardless of where the line falls horiztonally, the general idea is that it continues to go in a downward direction.  At a good, steady pace.
Oh, and I look forward to being able to bike to work soon (when the monsoon season stops, now that the snow finally has), because the price of gas at $4.39/gal is killing me!  As soon as the kiddos are out of school, I will make it a personal goal to at least bike once a week to work and back.  Baby steps, remember? 

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