Monday, May 6, 2013

Fast, D4

Cautiously stepped on the scale this morning and was pleasantly surprised to see a 2 lb. loss since my last plateau.  I've officially lost 20 lbs. since starting this journey (and my last pregnancy).

Fasting is more difficult than I thought - but in a completely different way!!  I'm able to stave off the hunger pains until my midday meal on fasting days, but having a hard time wanting to eat 500 calories in one sitting (and presumably within an hour).  Yikes!  I'm full.  Prior to starting this I was averaging a 300 calorie meal with two 100 calorie snacks for roughly 1200-1300 calories. 

First workday:  I had my tea this morning, then water (no coffee today) all morning.  Worked out for an hour and had pre-pared my lunch to bring from home.  I honestly cannot eat it all.  I forgot salad dressing for my spinach and have left it out of the mix for my calories.  I've chosen healthy, filling, but not too much protein, for my first two fast day meals so far.  This definitely takes some forethought when planning a social calendar and preparing lunches too!

Happily biked 45 minutes before eating too!

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