Sunday, January 12, 2014

2nd Sunday

It's been quite some time since I've been back to the Yoga Center in St. Louis Park.  They are part of YCM and have some great space and classes.  A few of us have committed to going to the following class on the 2nd Sunday of every month this year.

Yin, Restorative & Yoga NidraYin yoga is a form of Chinese yoga and works the six major meridians from the navel to the knees, this strengthens the immune system while stretching the connective tissue to release chronic held tension. The postures are all practiced on the floor and are held for 3 to 5 minutes. This enables one to harness the mind together with the breath to release more deeply into the body while tapping into the vast reservoir of vital energy within us all. Restorative yoga, developed by B.K.S. Iyengar, is a form of therapeutic yoga and is considered to be an antidote for stress and stress related diseases. It too, is practiced on the floor with longer holds using the support of props to more fully relax. A restorative class moves the spine in every direction and counters the effects of gravity through supported inverted poses. Like yin, it accesses the life force and builds energy to heal and nurture oneself from within. Whether you are new to yoga or an established practitioner, these styles of yoga offer a wealth of benefits. The class ends with Yoga Nidra, a form of guided meditation.

Tonight was a great way to get myself back on track and thinking of ways to mix it up again!  The floor was full with mats and it seemed most of us had been there before, as I didn't hear too much instruction given. What I did hear, however, was plenty of snoring.  Not my own, mind you.  And I was reminded that I truly have a love/hate relationship with this class in particular.  It's a very soothing way to finish the weekend/start the week, but holding these poses seems to put many into a slumber.  They generally awake every 3-6 minutes when our instructor chimes in and lets us know it's time to change positions.  That said, and if you know me, you'll know I have plenty o'opportunity to hear snoring elsewhere...  I really really dislike hearing it in a yoga studio.  To me, it means that the individual has gone beyond awareness and centering straight into oblivion!  Okay, well, you know what I mean.  Oh well.  Suck it up, Julie, and find a way to get over the fact that you're going to hear snoring in this class. I really enjoyed my practice and the depths to which my body could stay, even in inversion for 10 minutes.  The positive definitely outweighs the negative.

I cannot go in February due to a travel conflict, but will be back in March!  That much closer to spring and hopefully an early thaw?!  A girl can dream.

If I haven't scared you away, join me if you're local and give it a try!  I promise you'll feel refreshed, and even make a few new friends.

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